25. Mick Jenkins | The Water[s]
August 12, 2014 / Cinematic Music Group /
Here at EWM we love you, and want to bring you the finest in what the music bizz has to offer, so without further adieu we present one of the rawest, bad-assest, most ingenius mixtapes of 2014, The Water[s]. Mick puts the words right in our mouths when he says, "thank god for the waters" in his track convienently titled, "The Water[s]". If we were to give you a penny for our thoughts on our favourtie tracks on the album you would be stuck on the first post for roughly 30 minutes. His flow is on point, and there is something really untainted and free about his lyrics. We're not hip hop experts but this is good shizz everyone.
Also check out his music video for "Dehydration", it's a pretty crass depiction of the gang violence in Chi-town, but a really good watch and insight into his musak.

24. The Black Keys | Turn Blue
May 9, 2014 | Nonesuch Records
It’s been three years since we have been spoiled with a new album from The Black Keys, and Turn Blue, The Black Keys’ eighth studio album, lives up to their reputation. As the group’s fourth collaboration with producer and writer Danger Mouse, it has more of a foothold in the psychedelic rock genre than previously. But hey, we’re not complaining. The band announced the album in March 2014 via a tweet by Mike Tyson and a series of cryptic YouTube videos featuring a hypnotist – so even they know they’re going down the rabbit hole.

23. Thom Yorke | Tomorrow's Modern Boxes
September 26, 2014 / XL Recordings /
The industry vet's release of Tomorrow's Modern Boxes was rather unorthodox, and as a result made Yorke became the subject of some pretty major media hype. It takes a pretty brave dude to just 'F' selling records off the shelves (for the most part) and sell his album for $6 a piece on BitTorrent...
Lucky for him, he is Thom Yorke, one of the most talented guys in the bizz, and his music is top notch 9.8/10 times.
For the album he chose to stick with his long time producer Nigel Godreich and together they cranked out another quintessentially "Thom" set of works. His melancholic lyrical swagger on top of the easy electro acoustic beats will never get old.

22.Taylor Swift | 1989
October 27, 2014 / Big Machine Records /
Ahhh, number 22...which is only appropriate because T-Swift is feeling...22. If you've stepped outside anytime in the last two months you will know that this album is likely the biggest thing to have happened in pop music this year. Given all of the amazing press she has earned from this record a short review just seems superfluous.
This album is the only one to have gone platinum this year...people, we have fallen upon DARK times.
She changed things up musically, had a killer group of producers including Imogean Heap, Nathan Chapman and Jack Antonoff, just to name a few, and then took the world by storm with what felt like the release of roughly 200 catchy singles. She did what she had to do, and kudos to her for it.
We'd link you to the album on Spotify but.....

21. Thurpence | Lessons
Novemeber 7, 2014 / future classic /
Thrupence is Jack Vanzet, Jack Vanzet is Thrupence, a master of combining articulate, jazz and classical sounds (think his track "Don't You Mind") with hip-hop/modern BEATZ. Lessons is his fourth studio mixtape.
We read a great interview with him on Triple J and he gets his inspo from music his mom used to play when he was a kid!
It would be really cool to see him live. His electronic vibe is really well supported with hype, fast drum patterns and guitar solos that definitely reverse the stigmas surrounding the inevitable boredom that ensues at a electronic show. Nothing is worse than the preverbial "Man + Computer" set-up.
We know this will come as a shock, but Jack is in fact a producer working out of Australia.
Grab a listen below.
Top 25 Albums of 2014
A haze has settled on the blogging world - a haze of the past year in music. And not just any kind of music - the INTERNET MUSIC. The ALT MUSIC. The BLOGGED MUSIC. It's time for the lists to start rolling out from the blogosphere. The "we're-too-cool-to-list-most-Top-40-hits-but-who-is-kidding-who-we-love-alot-of-them" lists. The "This-shit-album-is-number-5-because-we-want-to-seem-like-we-understand" lists. And hey, we're not saying that here at EWM we're not partial to these usual caviats. We're human bloggers! But we did try our best to get a list out here that we actually agree with. Don't take the ranking to heart - it is EXTREMELY arbitrary. Basically just go listen to every album on this list and you will safely have heard some of the best music 2014 had to offer. So here it is: the top 25 albums of 2014.