Kingswood have graced the Triple J charts in Australia, but have yet to really gain much traction in North America...and after seeing them live at The Painted Lady during Canadian Music Week, we realized how much of an atrocity that actually is. The four piece outfit is made up of Fergus Linacre (lead vocals), Alex Laska (lead guitar & backing vocals), Jeremy Hunter (bass & vocals) and Justin Debrincat (drums & backing vocals). Without futher adieu, our interview with Kingswood frontman, Fergus.
EWM: For all the North Americans out there, who are unfamiliar with you guys and your sound, describe it:
K: Our music can be quite diverse, from driving desert rock to sweeter piano ballads. I don't know, hard to describe you just have to listen!!
EWM: You guys played an awesome set at CMW. What was your favourite part about your trip to Toronto?
K: We loved getting to know Toronto, we liked the city and its people. Music conferences are always heaps of fun and CMW didn't disappoint. I saw a lot of great bands, my fav being a Winnipeg band called Attica Riots. We also went to a Blue Jays game!
EWM: That's awesome! So, we're wondering...is there ever a point where you become sick of playing songs off your album? If ever, how do you keep things fresh on stage? I guess that’s what makes breaking into Canada/US exciting - some fresh ears.
K: Absolutely, playing to new people almost makes the songs new again. We also change things up and do different versions of songs and different jams. You do get tired of some songs but that's always a good sign you need to start writing some new ones.
EWM: Now that the first album has had time to settle is there anything you’re sure you’ll do differently with “whatever" is next?
K: I think the exciting thing about our next album is that we can take it anywhere, and do anything we want. There are no rules and we are all excited to get together and start experimenting again.
EWM: Can you give us any hints as to what you are getting up to musically?
K: Ahh don't want to give too much away, as it may all change when it’s actually time to record. But I think as we grow the music becomes more sincere. Take from that what you will.
EWM: We heard that you all have all left your hearts in New York (Alex was just there, yeah?). What have you been up to there? What’s your favourite place to hang out in the city?
K: We have been there a few times and loved every second of it. We will be living there for the next few years so we are all very excited and feel lucky to have to opportunity to spend some time there. There are too many favorite things about NY to have one, but my fav bar is called Decibel, it's a underground Japanese bar.
EWM: You spent a lot of time in a van together in the Southern US. What is the best or most ridiculous story you have from that time?
K: There are plenty of stories from our time in Nashville, our favorite involves a rooftop apartment, an intern, and a transvestite. But that's all I'll say.
EWM: You guys worked with Vance Powell on your last album - who else would you like to work with? Better yet, are there any artists you would like to collaborate with?
K: We would love to work with Vance again, we had a great time and are very happy with what he was able to get out of us. But there are plenty of producers we admire and would like to work with, Jacquire King, Garth Richardson, but there are many more. Personally, I would love to work with arcade fire.
For more Kingswood stream here!