Album Release: GLAM | Busty and the Bass
GLAM is contagious. GLAM is groovy. GLAM is everything you want to hear from a band trying to make their way in this big, bad world.
For the Busty boys, music is lyfe. I have seen first hand the lengths these guys go to to be the best. For one, they use these crazy mutes so that they can practice while they're in the car together. Perhaps for musicians these are a normal thing to own..? Nevertheless, to my unattuned eye that was the first flag indicating their hardwork. I have heard stories about the late night jam sessions (I was lucky enough to sit in on one of them once) where they collaborate and come up with all the brillance that they've laid out for you on GLAM. These nine blokes wear their musical hearts on thier musical sleeves (wut?) and that has translated onto GLAM without a fragment of doubt.
In virtually every track you really can't deny the groove. Whether you like it or not, you'll be nodding your head - totally mesmorized by whatever musical virtuosity is happening in your headphones. To be honest, I could hardly to contain myself in "Light Blu". Rapper Evan Crofton has a sound truly unlike anyone I've heard before. I'm going to go ahead and say he sounds kind of nerdy, but that's not meant to insult - there's a futuristic twang in his voice that sets him into a category of his own. Prepare to hear lots of rapping on GLAM. The lush contrast of layers of opulent beats, harmonies and vocals really strike a cord with me (lol). Again, I'm reminded of the soul and careful stitching that must have gone into creating this body of work, and the talented, hardworking bunch that did it.
Anywho, go listen to it yourselves. One last thing though: to me, GLAM says, "find what you're passionate about and go get it." Just something to think about.
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