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Recap | HPX 2014 Day 4

We had a bit of slow start to our night taking in the discount perks at Burritto Jaxx (that pulled BEEF doe! Vegetarian was legit too) and then heading off to meet the disgustingly talented guys from BADBADNOTGOOD. Stoked to get the interview out to you guys - a little foreshadowing: Alex (drums) had a childhood fear of popcorn.

Back to business. We’ve come to decide that the Seahorse Tavern is probably one of the best spots in town for gigs. It’s intimate, has so much (possibly too much) character and attracts a pretty wide crowd. Then you toss in a band that radiates intimacy and BOOM. Greatness. The WAYO’s Charlotte Day Wilson has one of the most soulful, mesmerizing and interesting voices we’ve heard in a long time. This smooth-ass R&B band from Hali jam so well together and play contemporary jazz like pros. The base was funky and artful, while their drummer demonstrated some serious skill, playing trap beats on his high hat so well we thought it was coming from an 808. Definitely a couple of additions to be made to the Sensual Seductions playlist! Also funny, Charlotte mentioned a couple times how “f*****g hungover she was…man do we wish we could operate that flawlessly when we were hung-over.


We knew BBNG’s set was going to be good (seeing as we’d been to their show the night before) but getting to hear them again in a setting that was ¼ the size and with half the amount of people made it that much sickaaa. They played a similar set to the one they had played the night before, but we're not complaining. People moved like a wave on the dancefloor, jumping up and down, and swaying side to side with so much force we thought for sure everyone was going to end up in one giant sweaty pile....we did not NOT join the mosh pit... I mean, BADBADNOTGOOD's drummer, Alex, really has the ability to get everyone majorly amped up.


Tonight is a HUGE night for HPX with acts Ryan Hemsworth, Danny Brown, Tennyson the Mounties taking the stage. Should be a fun one for sure! Gaahhh, we don’t want the week to end.

It’s always hard to describe moments in life when you truly feel the happiest. For the two of us, last night is a hard one to describe for that very reason. We’re so thankful for the experience we’ve had with HPX, for the amazing music we’ve been able to take in and for the incredible people we’ve been able to meet. All that shizz is stuff we needed to get off our chests. Love to everyone. Have a good time tonight!

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