Album Release: Hozier | Hozier
The infectiously blusey Andrew Hozier-Bryne dropped his debut album, Hozier, today. The album tackles all the heavy stuff, religion, love and death and in a way that really speaks to us. Musically the album is unreal, combining blues, jazz, rock and gospel. Songs like, "Sedated" and "Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene" literally feature a gospel choir humming underneath some pretty edgy riffs. He follows that up with gothic, almost haunting tunes like "Work Song", and "In the Woods Somewhere".
For a debut album this is pretty impressive. We'd argue that "Work Song" is the best on the album, an unmistakeable melody and lyrics that really do hit home.
Sidenote - if you've already got his EP's you're better off to buy the individual songs, otherwise you're going to end up with quite a few repeats.
Enjoy peeps.